Regular price$125.00
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Whether you need more physical faders for your Eos family console or more space-conscious solutions for master playbacks on your Congo jr console, the Universal Fader Wings are for you.
Universal Fader Wings are available in two variants: The 2 x 10 Fader Wing is half the width of the Ion and Congo jr consoles and offers 20 faders with an LCD for labeling the fader content; the 2 x 20 Fader Wing is the same width as the Ion and Congo jr consoles and offers 40 faders and two LCD displays.
Supporting two external, Windows® 7-compatible high-resolution monitors (standard, single- or multi-touch), programming could not be any more straightforward and easy.
Universal Fader Wings are available in two variants: The 2 x 10 Fader Wing is half the width of the Ion and Congo jr consoles and offers 20 faders with an LCD for labeling the fader content; the 2 x 20 Fader Wing is the same width as the Ion and Congo jr consoles and offers 40 faders and two LCD displays.
Supporting two external, Windows® 7-compatible high-resolution monitors (standard, single- or multi-touch), programming could not be any more straightforward and easy.